Capital: Athens ; GDP growth (annual %) 2016 : 0.0 %-
Greece Current Account Surplus Falls In June
The Greece current account surplus declined in June from previous year, the Bank of Greece reported Monday.
The current account surplus fell to EUR 842.3 million from EUR 909.8 million the previous year.
The deficit on goods trade widened to EUR 1.43 billion from EUR 1.41 billion prior year. Meanwhile, the surplus on services rose to EUR 2.3 billion from EUR 2.1 billion in June 2016.
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Greek Foreign Ministry criticizes Turkey over failure to reach agreement in latest round of talks on Cyprus
Greece's Foreign Ministry has criticized Turkey over failure to reach an agreement to settle the Cyprus issue in the new round of talks in Switzerland.
In a statement titled "Hard truths" and posted on Greek Foreign Ministry's website on Saturday evening, the ministry says "Turkey's conduct dashed any hopes anyone had that there would be a change in its stance. Just as Turkey abandoned the initial Conference, it torpedoed the second."
"We reiterate that Greece will continue to work relentlessly, with all means at its disposal, for a just and viable solution to the Cyprus problem, in close cooperation with the Republic of Cyprus, the UN and the European Union. And it calls on all of the parties to the Conference to show responsibility, respect for international law, and self- restraint," the statement concluded.
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Greece’s Sovereign Debt And Economic Realism
Next an extra six months of discussions, Greek deficit negotiations succeeded in once again kicking the can down the road. This column analyses how sophisticated and experienced negotiators like the IMF, the Eurozone leadership, and by presently even the Greeks, could have let negotiations drag out for so a lot of years, and goes on to propose a plan which may be just radical enough to meet the needs of all parties.
Next an extra six months of discussions, Greek deficit negotiations succeeded in once again kicking the can down the road. Europe agreed to ‘lend’ Greece enough to cover the all it will ‘repay’ to private creditors, the ECB, and IMF next month, plus a bit additional to cover interest and the domestic arrears the Greeks have built up in manufacturing their current reported primary surplus. Further resolution is left until next the September German elections, and maybe until as late as April 2019 at the same time as some private deficit is due. The IMF, which rightfully claims the deficit is not sustainable, managed to neither approve nor disapprove of the new transaction.
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- Key Facts
Full name: The Hellenic Republic
Population: 11.4 million (UN, 2011)
Area: 131,957 sq km (50,949 sq miles)
Major language: Greek
Major religion: Christianity
Life expectancy: 78 years (men), 83years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 euro = 100 cents
Main exports: Textiles and clothing, food, oil products
GNI per capita: US $25,030 (World Bank, 2011)
Internet domain: .gr
International dialling code: +30
Climate change laws around the world
2017/05/14There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of global climate change laws since 1997, according to the most comprehensive database of relevant policy and legislation.
The database, produced by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the Sabin Center on Climate Change Law, includes more than 1,200 relevant policies across 164 countries, which account for 95% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Brexit negotiations should treat energy as ‘special case’
2017/05/14There are strong practical reasons why the UK and EU should treat energy as a appropriate case during Brexit negotiations, argues a new statement.
The statement, jointly authored by Chatham Home, the University of Exeter and the UK Energy Research Centre (UKERC), says finding common ground on energy during the Brexit negotiations would benefit both the UK and remaining EU27, while compromise may be relatively easier to achieve than for other areas.
How the IMF Contributed to Destabilizing the Greek Economy
2016/11/23The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) of the IMF recently published its statement on the response of the organization to the European crisis. The analysis focuses on the performance of the IMF in the context of the programs for Greece, Portugal and Ireland.
Leader_Syriza’s electoral win is a chance to strike a deal
2015/01/27The victory of far-left Syriza in last weekend’s Greek general election opens a dangerous new phase in the eurozone crisis. Its leader Alexis Tspiras has demanded an end to the “fiscal waterboarding” that in his view has left Greece trapped in a debtor’s prison. But the rest of Europe, and Germany in particular, have so far stood their ground. If no compromise can be found Greece risks being bundled out of the euro by the end of the year.
Greece: faith versus sustainability
2015/07/28Greece and the EU have faith that everything will work out in spite of the country's debt being a long way from sustainable. What does all that mean for the future?
- Greece News
- ECONOMY: Greece Current Account Surplus Falls In June
- BUSINESS / TRADE: Greek Foreign Ministry criticizes Turkey over failure to reach agreement in latest round of talks on Cyprus
- STOCK MARKET / FINANCE: Greece’s Sovereign Debt And Economic Realism
- STOCK MARKET / FINANCE: Greece, creditors reach preliminary deal
- STOCK MARKET / FINANCE: Greece February Current A/c Gap Widens
- INDUSTRY: Greece Industrial Production Growth Quickens In February
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