East Timor
Capital: Dili; GDP growth (annual %) 2015: 7.0%;-
Timor-Leste’s worrying economic future
Timor-Leste is a country increasingly able to stand on its own two feet. At least, that is the sense within Timor-Leste. The success of Timor-Leste’s presidential elections in March 2017 and the prospect of successful parliamentary elections again in early July have marked the country as a consolidating democracy in a region where such notions are often compromised.
Timor-Leste believes it no longer needs propping up by the international community as it did during its independence struggle of 2002, and again following the violence and destruction of the 2006 political crisis.
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Higher earning Why a university degree is worth more in some countries than others
A university education may expand your mind. It will as well fatten your wallet. Data from the OECD, a club of rich nations, show that graduates can expect far better lifetime earnings than those without a degree.
The size of this premium varies. It is greatest in Ireland, which has a high GDP per chief and rising inequality. Since 2000 the unemployment rate for under-35s has swelled to 8% for those with degrees – but to additional than 20% for those without, and nearly 40% for secondary school drop-outs. The country’s wealth presently goes disproportionately to workers with letters next their names.
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East Timor’s Finance
Executive Summary
- Key Facts
Full name: Democratic Republic of East Timor
Population: 1.2 Million (UN, 2010)
Area: 14,609 sq km (5,641 sq miles)
Major languages: Tetum and Portuguese (official), Indonesian and English (working languages)
Major religion: Christianity
Life expectancy: 62 years (men), 64 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: 1 US dollar = 100 cents
Main exports: Coffee, marble, potential for oil exports
GNI per capita: $2,220 (World Bank, 2010)
Internet domain: .tl
International dialling code: +670
Climate change laws around the world
2017/05/14There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of global climate change laws since 1997, according to the most comprehensive database of relevant policy and legislation.
The database, produced by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the Sabin Center on Climate Change Law, includes more than 1,200 relevant policies across 164 countries, which account for 95% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
Asia Economic Roundup: July 2016
2016/07/18Without a doubt Britain’s decision to abandon the European project will be remembered globally as a wake-up call for political elites around the world. It seems the people chose to go against immediate economic interest and accept an extra financial turmoil in order to address deeply seated social and identity issues.
Although Asia’s exposure to the UK is relatively limited and this is not exactly a “Lehman Moment”, nonetheless we can expect a lively debate as policymakers in Asia look for an appropriate response to address the needs of vulnerable households.
- East Timor News
- ECONOMY: Timor-Leste’s worrying economic future
- EDUCATION: Higher earning Why a university degree is worth more in some countries than others
- STOCK MARKET / FINANCE: East Timor’s Finance
- BUSINESS / TRADE: Indonesia and Timor Leste agreed to boost ties, border talks
- ECONOMY: Global growth will be disappointing in 2016: IMF's Lagarde
- ECONOMY: Revised IMF forecasts signal gloom on global economic outlook
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