
Capital: Baghdad; GDP growth (annual %) 2016: 11.0%;
Key Facts

Full name: Republic of Iraq
Population: 31 million (UN, 2010)
Area: 438,317 sq km (169,235 sq miles)
Major languages: Arabic, Kurdish
Major religion: Islam
Life expectancy: 68 years (men), 73 years (women) (UN)
Monetary unit: Iraqi dinar
Main exports: Crude oil
GNI per capita: US $2,340 (World Bank, 2010)
Internet domain: .iq
International dialling code: +964

  • Climate change laws around the world


    There has been a 20-fold increase in the number of global climate change laws since 1997, according to the most comprehensive database of relevant policy and legislation.

    The database, produced by the Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment and the Sabin Center on Climate Change Law, includes more than 1,200 relevant policies across 164 countries, which account for 95% of global greenhouse gas emissions.

  • What Iraq needs to survive


    Other Iraqis believe that the problem Iraq is facing is purely social; that the country does not, in fact, exist, and that its formation under the Sykes-Picot Agreement necessitated the unification of disparate peoples incapable of coexisting.

    n describing the Iraqi dilemma since 2003, some Iraqis have been attributing the problem to political rather than social factors, whereby all disputes were ascribed to political causes. The prevailing thought part these Iraqis is that Iraq did not suffer from any social, sectarian, religious or ethnic rifts that contributed to this fractious national of affairs.