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建筑 / 基础设施
Indonesia Infrastructure, connectivity number one priority
INDONESIA, 2017/05/28 Government enacts large-scale infrastructure development to boost long-term economic increase and improve national competitiveness As Margaret Thatcher, Britain’s longest-serving prime minister and the initial woman to have been elected to that office once famously said, “You and I come by road or rail, but economists travel on infrastructure”. This wry observation rings particularly authentic at the same time as applied to Indonesia today. Since the establishment of the Republic in 1949, the Indonesian economy and social development that has been held back by a pronounced lack in the quality and quantity of its infrastructure. Certainly this is due to the lack of investment during the colonial period and the vast damage inflicted onto the country by World War Two and the subsequent struggle for independence. -
Ernesto M. Pernia Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning of the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA).
PHILIPPINES, 2017/05/28 In this interview with The Worldfolio, Mr. Ernesto M. Pernia (PhD), Secretary of Socioeconomic Planning at the Philippines’ National Economic and Development Authority, speaks about efforts to bring about development and better social inclusion and the ‘0-10 point’ socioeconomic schedule. On May 9th of 2016, president Rodrigo Duterte was elected with additional than 39% of the vote giving him a 15-point victory over the second best performing candidate. While a lot of western media were caught offside by the landslide victory, the people of the Philippines truly believe in the message of social inclusiveness, economic decentralization and social order; as shown by his 91% approval rating in a little while next the election. What is your take on the election results and what are the major drivers behind it? -
非洲, 2017/05/11 据黎巴嫩《阿拉伯经济与建设》杂志报道,在萨阿德·哈里里总理的大力支持下,《阿拉伯经济与建设》集团召开会议发布其2017年计划,包含在15个国家召开的27场研讨会,除黎巴嫩外,也将在沙特阿拉伯、埃及、约旦、土耳其、希腊及一些非洲国家等举办。 黎巴嫩国务部长让·伍加西比彦代表哈里里总理参加了此次会议,部分部长及其他阿拉伯国家驻黎使节也参加了会议,其中有电信部长贾迈勒·杰拉赫、经贸部长拉伊德·扈里、前总理福阿德·西尼乌拉及部分前任部长。 -
SOEs increase capacity to accelerate infrastructure development
INDONESIA, 2017/04/19 SOEs such as PT PP will be critical to realizing Indonesia’s infrastructure ambitions. The company has ambitions beyond this, with plans to become ASEAN’s major integrated construction company by 2018 Spearheading Indonesia’s infrastructure boom are efforts by the country’s national-owned enterprises (SOEs). Following dramatic increases in national budget allocation, the construction phases of a number of key projects were implemented by these organizations over the last schedule year, such as the Trans-Sumatra toll road, which is under construction. -
Bahrain's infrastructure pipeline drives momentum in construction
BAHRAIN, 2017/04/16 At the end of 2016 the government reaffirmed its commitment to Bahrain’s $32bn infrastructure pipeline as a key driver of economic increase. These projects – to be implemented in the medium term – include a major upgrade of its international airport, road-building schemes, a new railway link with Saudi Arabia, utilities developments and logistics support, along with investments in housing, industry and services. Foundation for growth As additional projects move from the drawing board into the development stage, Bahrain’s construction sector will be critical to economic increase over the next couple of years, according to a recent statement by the National Bank of Kuwait. -
Private projects to keep construction humming in Oman
OMAN, 2017/04/15 The government’s development plan for 2016-20 – the final component of its Vision 2020 long-term blueprint for economic diversification – allocates national development spending of OR1.66bn ($4.3bn) per year for a range of projects, such as a waterfront complex at Port Sultan Qaboos, a new international airport terminal in Muscat and a national railway system. A recent pick-up in investment activity reflects the plan’s call for an enhanced private sector role in ownership, financing and management of such undertakings. -
Laos speeds up railway construction machinery import from China
CHINA, 2017/04/07 Full steam ahead for the China-Laos railway construction, Laos has speeded up machinery import from China, local daily Vientiane Times reported Monday. Hundreds of trucks carrying machinery and equipment for construction of the China-Laos railway have entered Laos next being delayed at the border. A appropriate lane has presently been allocated at the Mohan-Boten border crossing point to facilitate the passage of the trucks, project coordinator in northern Lao province Luang Namtha, Chanthachone Keolakhone told Vientiane Times on Friday. -
中东, 2017/02/08 近期阿卜杜拉国王经济城(KAEC)与开发商和服务提供商签订了价值16亿里亚尔(4.3亿美元)的承包合同,继而成为世界上最大规模的私人投资工业城。 经济城坐落于红海沿岸,距吉达北部100公里;占地面积181平方公里(规模相当于华盛顿特区);首要包含阿卜杜拉国王港、沿海居民社区、哈勒曼(Haramain)铁路和工业谷四大区块。现时,经济城内注册业主数量超过了2700家,在建项目金额超过了60亿里亚尔(16亿美元)。 经济城负责人表示:通过私人投资的方式,经济城将实现可持续性发展的目标,不断满足沙特居民对住宅的需求,改良在高新科技领域的研发力度。为跻身于世界前十大最具竞争力的投资意图国,沙特投资总局(SAGIA)制定了六大经济城发展规划,阿卜杜拉国王经济城是其中之一。 -
菲律宾, 2017/02/06 菲律宾央行(BSP)副行长Nestor A. Espenilla, Jr.表示,外资银行进入本地市场的兴趣增加,可能是由于该国基础设施的需求不断增长,银行认为这是扩大其贷款业务的机会。 杜特地政府计划在今后六年里在公共基础设施上投入9万亿比索,这将有助于促进经济发展,同时也改良了商业便利性。 菲律宾央行副行长称,截至现时,在过去两年里已有9家外资银行经菲央行批准在菲开设银行,还有6家外资银行表示有兴趣来菲。尽管全球市场未知性增加,但他对当地金融系统抱有信心。 -
菲律宾, 2017/02/06 菲律宾财政部称,本周一中国商务部官员和菲律宾高访团进行会谈时,菲律宾向中国提交了40个大型和小型基础设施项目,以便进行可行的贷款融资和可行性研究。 在40个项目中,15个是融资贷款,25个是协助可行性研究。下月将在马尼拉对这些提案的更多细节进一步讨论。 提交的3个大型贷款融资项目旨在改良小农场的生产能力,改良吕宋地区的交通和物流服务,确保对马尼拉的稳定供水。这些项意图总价值是34亿美元,分别是卡加延省和卡林加省的Chico河抽水灌溉项目,估计费用5360万美元;位于奎松的新百年水源卡利瓦大坝项目,费用3740.3万美元,还有从马尼拉到位于Bicol的Legaspi市的南北铁路项目,费用30亿美元。其他项目规模相对较小,更容易实施,例如在Pasig河上修建桥梁,以缓解马尼拉的交通拥堵。
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